SCHH ARC “This & That” – May 28 , 2024

June 6th Membership Meeting Will Focus on ARRL Field Day

ARRL Field Day will be here before we know it. The SCHH ARC is fortunate to have Ron Frick, AI4HH, and Bob Officer, WA6WAY as our co-chairs for this year’s big event.

Our June 6th Membership Meeting will include a Field Day Planning Session that you do not want to miss. The meeting will be held in the Bayside Room at the Lakehouse.

The evening will kick off at 6:45 PM with an Elmer presentation by Jack Frisch, K2ITZ, on Parks On The Air. The ARC will be doing a POTA activation on Hunting Island on August 3rd.

Our regular membership meeting will be held at 7 PM, after Jack’s presentation.

The Field Day Planning Session will he our main “program” for the evening. The session will begin at the conclusion of the regular membership meeting.

Please note that the ARC will not officially meet in July or August although we will gather on Hunting Island on August 3rd. Stay tuned for any additional planned activities!

Missed The Dayton Hamvention? Take a Look at the Forums!

Bob McCormick, KD8IH, provided a way for all of us to view as many of the ham radio forums that were held at Dayton Hamvention.

You can access the forums here.

What Do DX Stations Do When They Get a Pile-up?

Here are some tips from cracking the pile-up provided by someone who has been on the receiving side of the exchange

  1. If I am working simplex, please only give your call one time, then listen.  If you call 2 or 3 times then you cannot hear me come back to you, or to someone else
  2. If I am working split, I will announce the frequency when I am ready to listen.
  3. I will ask for a station MATCHING a partial, or full callsign — if you don’t match, don’t call
  4. I am interested ONLY in my report and your name … the rest I can get from QRZ
  5. Listen for your report: it may, or may not be, “59”
  6. When I am ready to listen again, I will say “QRZ”; or if working very quickly “73”, … do NOT call before that, pleaseI
  7. If you call out-of-turn, or on top of my QSO, I will note your call, BUT I will not work you.
  8. Remember, this is a hobby.  I do not need to work any one particular station.

Thanks to Sherwin Tames, W4QNW, for providing these insights that were given to him from a ham-friend in Panama. The tips are based on SSB operation but can certainly be applied to CW operation.

D-Day Commemoration: Ham Radio Special Events Stations Will Be OTA!

Beginning June 1, 2024, several amateur radio clubs will activate special event stations for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum, K3NEM, located in Hunt Valley, Maryland, will be on the air as W2D from June 1 – 14, 1300Z – 2200Z. Call sign W2D’s primary operation will be from June 1 – 6, with the possibility of additional operations during June 7 – 14, as operator availability permits. Operations will take place on 80 meters, 3.544, and 3.844 MHZ, as well as additional bands and digital modes. The South East Metro Amateur Radio Club in Cottage Grove, Maryland, will operate with call sign W2W on June 6 from 1500Z – 2000Z on 7.040, 14.040 MHz, and the SSB portion of 40 and 20 meters. A commemorative QSL will be available to those who send a SASE to N0BM. See for more information. During June 8 – 9 from 0630Z-2200Z, the Torbay Amateur Radio Society in England will operate on 7.040, 14.040, MHz and the SSB portion of 40 and 20 meters. More information and special event station (SES) call signs will be listed before event at

QSL Card of the Week

Someone let the cat out of the bag and the feline surfaced on 40m CW!

Am I Late for the Cook Out?

Thanks to Terry Ward, W8TPW, for sending a photo of this visitor to a neighbor’s house a year or two or so ago.

Let’s keep the alligator photos coming!

Upcoming Club Events and Meetings

June 6th — Monthly Meeting: 6:45 PM in the Bayside Room at the Lakehouse. Field Day Planning Meeting preceded by an Elmer presentation on POTA by Jack Frisch, K2ITZ, and the Membership Meeting. See above for more details!

June 22nd — ARRL Field Day: Lake Somerset. KE4HAM on the air at 2 PM Eastern. Set up begins around Noon. More details at the June 6th Meeting.

August 3rd — Hunting Island POTA Activation and Lighthouses on the Air: More info to follow.

Club Website

Click here to get to the Club’s website:

If you notice any errors or have site-related questions, please email the webmaster;  email:

SCHH ARC Nets: Check-in If You Can!

Many thanks to all who participate.

We are hopeful that the EchoLink issues will be resolved soon.

These are our nets. Enjoy them. They are very special and give us the opportunity to connect with each other while testing our equipment’s connectivity capabilities.

Please keep our nets alive and well by checking in when you can.

Weekly SCHH ARC Nets

Sunday’s Net (8 PM) operates on 147.550 MHz simplex and EchoLink node: KE4HAM – L except on the Sunday after our club’s membership meeting. On the Sunday after our club membership meeting, the Sunday Net will be on the KE4HAM repeater (147.135 + with a tone of 91.5 on both the input and the output). The KE4HAM Repeater Net can also be accessed via EchoLink at KE4HAM-R. 

Wednesday‘s Net (8 PM) operates through the KK4ONF/Jasper repeater, 147.060+ and EchoLink node: KE4HAM-R

Net Control Stations and EchoLink Coordinator

Thanks to our regular Net Controls: Bob Officer, WA6WAY; Frank Pollino, K2OS; Russ Treadwell, N1ZK; and Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FW.

Thanks to Ron Frick, AI4HH, for continually working to keep our SCHH ARC nets on EchoLink.

Net Control Schedule:

— Wednesday, May 29 @ 8 PM ET:  Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FW (JASPER COUNTY REPEATER)

— Sunday, June 2 @ 8 PM ET: Bob Officer, WA6WAY (Simplex)

If you are interested in being a Net Control, please let Harve know.

SCHH ARC Net Reports:

Thanks to ALL who checked in to our SCHH ARC nets last week.
If you have the time, please check into our club’s nets on a regular basis.

Last week’s check-ins and traffic:

— Wednesday, May 22 : KE4HAM/K2OS, AI4HH, K2ITZ, KQ4JKI, WA6WAY, WB4KSG, KM4FKW, W1ZZ, W4AJM, KJ4BSM, KQ4DWY, K3WPA. QNI=12. QTC+0.

— Sunday, May 26: KE4HAM/WA6WAY, AI4HH, KB3FW, K2ITZ, KQ4JKI. QNI=5, QTC=0.

Note: QNI = Number of Check-ins to the net, including Net Control; QTC = Traffic handled (Radiograms).

Other Operating:

Daily —  Monitor the new KE4HAM Repeater: 147.135 MHz + with a tone of 91.5. You may get some good DX spots from time to time and other members may be there if you want to connect/chat.

Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FWEdit